4th of July
Yes, I know. I've been MIA for a month. Sorry. There really aren't any excuses besides it being summertime. We're trying to get out and do stuff because I hate it when the summer's over and you feel like you didn't do anything. So we've been going to the library a lot. We go to the nearby elementary school for lunch almost every day and then play on the playground afterwards. Keith unexpectedly had someone want to use his scaffolding and surprised us with season passes to Lagoon that he bought with the money he charged the guy for "renting" the scaffolding from him. So we've been to Lagoon 4 times already. We've spent time at the farm with the animals and Keith's family. And we're spending a lot of time in the front and back yards...on bikes, running in the sprinklers, playing soccer, etc. And I've done quite a few more scrapbook pages since I last posted, but I'll put those up later. Today I just wanted to come on and post some pics from the weekend. I always think it's been so long since I've posted that I need to recap EVERYTHING and that would take too long so I just don't bother. I've decided not to feel guilty today and just post what I want. :P
We woke up around 9 on the 4th and rushed to get dressed so we could run over and see the parade. We found a pretty good parking spot at the end of a block that had cars quadruple-parked down the whole block. I mean there were rows of 4 cars going down the whole block (I felt bad for the people parked way at the end of the block - I'm sure it took forever for them to get out) and because we were so late getting there we were able to park right at the front of the block and were the first car to leave. Anyway, then we walked down to the beginning of the block where the parade was. It had already started but we hadn't missed too much. Keith and I stood at the back with the girls, but they eventually made their way right up to the street and sat down in front of some other people already sitting there! But those people were in chairs and the girls sat on the ground out in the street in front of them, so I didn't feel too bad about it. I went up to join them later and asked the people if it was okay and they said it was. So because I was in such close quarters with the girls (I still didn't want to take up too much room in case those people got annoyed with us) I couldn't get very good pics of the girls. But I was able to get this one of Mari. Since we were so close, the bands with their drums were really loud and she covered her ears every time one passed by. I thought it was cute.
Then Elena got up and started walking into the street during a gap in the parade. I was wondering what she was doing, where she was going, and was about to start yelling for her to come back when I realized why she was going out there. Her eagle eyes had spotted a piece of candy that hadn't been claimed and was retrieving it. My girls are candy freaks!
We took these pics of Noah while we were relaxing in the front yard, waiting for it to be time to go watch the fireworks. Noah LOVES to stand up and fusses if we don't let him. He's actually standing next to me right now while I'm typing (I have my arm around him). I love the look on his face in this first picture. He raises his eyebrows like that all the time - he's been doing it since he was born. It used to make his forehead crinkle up more than it does now that he's grown in to his skin a little more. And in the second picture you can see that he's pulled one hand away from me. Already showing his independence. Isn't his outfit cute?Earlier in the day, after the parade, we parked Keith's truck up on the mountain in the parking lot for the "Y" trail. That way we'd have a good spot for watching the fireworks without having to sit and stake out our spot for 5 hours. So we headed up there around 9:30 and waited for the show to start. This was the only picture I took of (almost) all of us. The girls enjoyed watching the fireworks while Noah slept through them. We had a wonderful time spending the whole day together.
I hope your July 4th celebrations were just as fun as ours!!! And if you also celebrated in Provo this weekend, check out this blog. She's having a little contest for people who post photos of them/their family/whatever, enjoying the 4th of July weekend in Provo.
P.S. Yes I still plan on changing the name of the blog. I just still haven't come up with one that I REALLY like and will be a name that I wouldn't ever have to change again.