Has it really been a month since I last posted? It doesn't seem like that long. I have been so busy though. We started our spring field experience last week. I don't have a partner this time around, so I had to plan everything and put it all together myself. So it's been really hectic. But I'm having a great time. I'm teaching in the first grade Spanish class at Amya's school. She'll get to be in my class this week, but because of spring break, I'll only get to teach her for two days. But that's okay.
I have some other really exciting news that I can't wait to share. My school is starting to offer internships. What that means is, instead of doing student teaching during the senior year, you go to summer school and then teach all during your senior year. The class is yours - you are the teacher. There are people assigned to help you, but you're the one in charge. I had thought about applying, but then decided not to because I didn't think it would be something we could handle. Keith told me to go ahead and apply though, he knew how much I wanted it, and said that we could make it work. So anyway, we had our interviews on Friday. I interviewed with the Provo school district, then had an hour wait til I interviewed with the Alpine district. I thought that my interview with Provo went really well and I was happy with my answers to all of their questions. I had asked them when they would be letting us know if they would pick us or not, and they told me within a week. While I was waiting for my Alpine interview, another girl sat with me who had also interviewed with Provo. She said that they had told her that she would know by 4:30 and not to worry because she had interviewed well. After she said that, I just knew that Provo wasn't going to pick me. They had told me that I would hear in a week cause they were going to send me a "sorry" letter. So I was pretty upset. But I went in and did my Alpine interview. When I came out, there was a Provo lady waiting for me, and she told me to come with her because they had a few more questions for me. I thought that maybe they wanted some clarification on some of my answers to help them make up their minds or something. But as soon as I sat down in the room, she said that she'd like to offer me a job!!!!!! I was so excited, I actually said "shut up" after she said that, cause I just couldn't believe it. I'll be teaching 2nd grade next year!!!!! I still can't stop smiling, I'm so excited. I just can't believe that I've been given this opportunity. This is something that I have wanted to do my whole life, and I'm gonna get to do it!! I just wanted to share that with you guys.
Now on to the girls. There's not a whole lot of new stuff going on. We're just plugging along. Amya's doing great in both her English and Spanish classes. Elena is continuing to try and entertain us at all times, every day. Téa is so cute - she follows Elena around and copies everything she does. She's also started copying us too, so basically anything that is said in this house is said twice - once by us and once by her. Ah - a new development. While I was typing this, Keith yelled to come down and see Maricela trying to crawl. So I went down and sure enough, she was trying to get somewhere. She didn't move, but you could tell she was trying to. So hopefully she'll be crawling soon.
Other than that, there's not a whole lot going on. I'm going to try to be good and post more. Cross your fingers for me. :)