Monday, May 18, 2009

7 weeks

Ack!! I keep meaning to get on here and post, and then I get too busy with everything else and forget. But our cute little boy is now 7 weeks old! We can't believe how much he's already growing. He is getting quite good at holding his head up and is SO alert. He loves to be up on our shoulder so that he can look around at everything. When someone is talking, he's trying to find where they are. He's turned into quite the expert pooper, gracing us with blowouts almost every day now. And he's starting to make little noises. I LOVE it when babies are first starting to "talk"- I think their little coos are the sweetest things ever. We are loving our time with our little Noah boy (that's what Mari likes to call him). Here are some pictures of what he's looking like at 7 weeks.

I think we all know where he gets that double chin from. :)

And here are two scrapbook pages I made for him...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VERY NICE DEAR! I like the black and white pictures alot with the contrasting blue and ivory. Good, I mean great, job once again :)