Sunday, August 26, 2007

new pictures

So, I have way too many pictures I want to show you guys. Way more than blogger will let me put up. So I put them all on my flickr account, which you can access here I'll be adding more later today, but for now there are some pictures of the girls and of my classroom. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

silly baby

Someone pointed out this video on YouTube and I thought it was so funny. You can't help but laugh along with this baby.

And I should be updating with some pics soon. I know I've been neglecting the old blog, but this teaching thing is SO much harder than I expected. I'm lucky if I can remember how to get home by the end of the day.... blogging's not that high on my list right now. But I do have some things to share, so hopefully I'll get to that either today or tomorrow. I'm not sure what your guys' houses would look like after a week of you not being there and your husband taking care of your CRAZY kids, but mine's looking like a pack of ravenous wolves (who also like to pull toys and clothes out of their proper places) ransacked the house. Yesterday I came home to hard-boiled egg all over the living room floor. Seriously, pieces of egg (and the shells) all over the floor. I'm wondering if Keith goes around blindfolded during the day. And what did I do? Did I clean it up? No, I took the kids out for pizza. So I think I better go get started on some cleaning, before deadly bacteria start growing in our house. See ya later.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

i think i'm going to cry

Seriously. When did a teenager move into my house? Okay, maybe not a teenager, but someone older than 6! Look at this....

Amya has been wanting bangs like mine for awhile now. Yesterday we went up to Ogden to visit Ian's family. While we were up there, Kristy (my college roommate and hair stylist) came over and Amya asked her to finally cut her some bangs. I just can't believe how old and mature she looks now. I can still see my little baby Amya in there, but she's growing and changing and it's just happening WAY too fast. Amya is so happy with her bangs though. She made this scrapbook page tonight. Again, if you could leave her a comment, that would be so cool. She was so excited about all the ones you guys left her for her last page. (If you click on the scrapbook page, you can see it a lot bigger.)

And now I'm off to cry myself to sleep....