Friday, July 13, 2007

a sparkling good time

so i just finished this tonight and decided to put it up before i forget. yes it's 12:17 am and i have class in the morning. i don't know why i'm still awake. so please forgive me for not using capital letters. hope you like it!

for credits, click here

i just realized i didn't put a date on it. obviously we know it's the fourth of july, but in 30 years, we might forget what year it was. crap. i'm too tired to go back tonight and change it. i'll leave that for tomorrow. have a great weekend!!!!

p.s. in tooth news, amya lost another one (that makes 6 gone, 7 if you include the extra one) and maricela gained a tooth - she now has six. it's like she got all the teeth amya lost. :) if you don't think that's very funny, remember that i'm typing this at what is now 12:23 am and my sense of humor may be just a little bit off.

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