i elfed the girls
Hopefully this will work....I thought it was so cute!!!!
click here
Hopefully this will work....I thought it was so cute!!!!
click here
Posted by
4:29 PM
Sorry the picture's not that big, I found it on the internet. And it doesn't really do them justice. These are the cheese fries from Outback. I had them for dinner tonight. I think they'll be the new thing I crave. And in case you were wondering, here is their nutritional information:
Outback Steakhouse©
Aussie-Tizers - Aussie Cheese Fries©
Serving Size: 28 oz
Calories: 2900
Total Fat: 182 grams
Carbohydrates: 240 grams
Protein: 75 grams
Totally worth it though. I think.
Posted by
12:51 AM
How could I forget about Amy? What was I thinking? Amy, you're tagged too! haha
Posted by
5:26 PM
Okay, so I was tagged by Lyn. I've never been tagged before and this one has really hard questions, so I'm not going to be very good. But I'll try.
1. if you owned a bookstore what would you name it: The Shop Around The Corner (because I love You've Got Mail and her name is Kathleen so it works....)
2. which literary hero [male or female] would you like to be: Bella (Twilight fans, you know why)
3. if you were given the chance to be born in a different decade which one would you choose: I don't know....I've always thought it'd be cool to be at a bar-b-que like the one in Gone With the Wind. I like the dresses.
4. who would play you in a movie: I have no idea - Keith says mix Sandra Bullock and Meg Ryan together and that would be me. Whatever.
5. what was your favorite toy of all of time: I think the thing I remember having the most fun playing with is the dress-up box my mom gave me and my sisters one year. She had gone to a whole bunch of thrift stores and bought old prom dresses/bridesmaid dresses/whatever and gave them to us for dress-up clothes. We LOVED them.
6. what do you like to collect: Cookbooks and scrapbook supplies. Oh, and Nativity sets.
7. what is your guilty pleasure: buying clothes and scrapbooking stuff.
8. if you had the power to change one thing in this world what would that be: too hard. i pass.
9. what is your most embarrasing moment: If I could choose one out of the many I've had, I'd keep it to myself. There's a reason those things are embarassing. :)
10. what is your favorite christmas movie: Elf
11. what is your favorite vegetable: Corn and Broccoli
12. tell 3 things about yourself (2 true, and 1 untrue ) and see if we can figure out which is fantasy: If Keith would let me, I would stay in my pajamas and read all day long. I enjoy cleaning my house. Football is my favorite sport to watch.
And now I tag Elaine, just cause she's the only person I know who has a blog. :)
Posted by
10:25 PM
Labels: Kathleen
so, I made the mistake of showing Keith the video. He thinks this is proof that it's okay to act the way he does when he gets sick. This is what he said...
"Honey, it's true. It's a mancold. You wouldn't know because you're not a man. On a scale of 1 to 10, if you have a 2 (referring to how bad the cold is), we have a ten. You could never have a ten. Cause if you had a ten, that means we're dead."
He may be crazy, but I still love him...
Posted by
2:25 PM
Labels: Keith
Literally, this could have been filmed in my very own house. This is what happens every single time Keith gets sick. Men.....
Posted by
5:19 PM
Labels: video
Keith has this pretend karate stuff he likes to do with the girls and they just eat it up. I don't know how much more of an explanation I can give without just showing you. So without further ado........
I can't believe my little Téa is three years old! She had so much fun with her birthday this year. She loved us asking her "who's having a birthday?" and "who's going to be 3?"
Here are some pictures of her......
blowing out the candles on her cake (can you tell she'd already gotten into the icing?)
Posted by
9:44 PM
Can you believe this is the best family picture from Thanksgiving? We could not get the girls to cooperate. This is the best one because no one's crying or making mean faces. Oh well.
Posted by
2:01 PM
I dragged my lazy bum upstairs to work on my Senior Project (it's due in less than two weeks and yes, I'm just barely starting to work on it). Anyway, that got boring real fast, so I thought I'd mess around with the video camera and get that one of Mari holding the puppy posted. Enjoy!
she just wet her pants. on my rug. :(
but here are some pics of Mari and Elena holding our neighbor's puppies. My computer let me load the pictures on, but not the video. I'll have to keep working on that. Enjoy.....
and because I can't post pics of them without putting up all my beautiful girls, here are random ones of Amya and Tea - Amya with a lego creation and Tea putting her new diego ornament on the tree.
Posted by
9:39 PM
so, I think Amya might be claustrophobic. We have this big box that the girls are using to play house with. It was Amya's turn to go in and she went in with the baby. Elena and Tea were outside and they closed up the sides. All of a sudden we hear Amya SCREAMING "I have to get out! Let me out! Please, I have to get out!" and she was kicking the box. The girls quickly let her out and she came over to me and started crying. I asked her what had happened and she said she got so hot and she couldn't breathe and she just knew she had to get out of there. I felt so bad for her. It took about 5 minutes for her to calm down. She's playing with them again now, but she's being very adamant about them not closing the box on her. Poor little girl.
Here's a Tea funny. I came home today and Keith had Tea in some und*es. I told her to make sure she told me if she had to go, and then let her play. I go in the bathroom a little later and there's a nice little puddle on the bathroom floor. At least she made it to the bathroom, right? Anyway, I'm making her use the p*tty and I tell her I'm a little mad at her. She says "You mad at me Mommy? You mad at me? I not mad at you. Why you mad at me?" I had to laugh. And she's been dry since then. I can't believe she's not trained yet. I'm totally slacking. Amya was trained well before she was three and we started with Elena way before she turned three. We're still having some problems here and there, but she's done for the most part. And here Tea's turning three on Monday and we haven't even tried to get her going. Maybe since we waited longer she'll train faster? I don't know. I guess we've started though. It's so annoying to do the whole p*tty training thing. Sometimes I'd almost rather just change diapers than clean up puddles all day long. Hopefully hers will go smoother than Elena's. Amya really spoiled us.
I'm gonna try to see if I can hook my camera up to this laptop and get some pictures up. And also some cute video of Maricela holding a puppy. Maybe I'll be back later.
Posted by
5:51 PM
Here are some more pictures of the girls. We raked up all the leaves in the backyard and the girls had a blast playing in them!
And here's a picture from Halloween. We didn't really do much this year. The girls just picked costumes out of our costume box and we went to the mall to trick-or-treat. We took their two friends from next door with us. As you can see, Elena is wearing the Jessie hat (from Toy Story) with a princess dress and a gun. She was Princess Jessie. :)
Amya had backwards day at her school and came up with this whole outfit by herself. I was only going to put her hair in a side ponytail and then she said "Wait! Do my bangs on the other side!"So we did that, she wore her shirt and pants backwards, she has on my socks, and two different shoes. She really had a lot of fun with it. And here's Maricela in her pretty birthday dress from my mom, when she was barely starting to walk.
here's a link to my flickr pictures. I put up pictures from disney, sea world, and the beach. Let me know if you have any problems viewing them.
Posted by
12:58 PM
Well, I finally came upstairs and loaded the pictures onto the computer. But since my eyes are hurting and it's after 11, I think I'll wait till tomorrow to upload them here. And there are so many I want to share - I might have to put them on Flickr.
When I was typing the title, I remembered an Amya story I wanted to share. We went to the church the other night for a Family Home Evening type activity. They were telling the story that goes along with the "I'll Find You My Friend" song. It talks about how there were two friends in the pre-existence, and they both find out it's their time to come to Earth, and one is going to an LDS home and the other isn't and the one who isn't asks the other friend to come find him and share the gospel with him after they get there. Anyway, they're telling this story and then they start singing the song, and Amya leans over to me. She says "Mom, my eyes hurt and I feel like crying, but I don't have to." I asked her if her bangs were bothering her eyes and she said no. I asked if she liked what they were talking about and she said no. I asked her if she was feeling the Holy Ghost and that's why she was crying and she said she didn't think so. I told her it was okay for her to cry, it just meant she liked what they were saying and she buried her head in Keith's back and cried a little. It was so touching to me. I know she felt the Spirit (cause I was pretty close to crying myself) and just didn't know how to express it. I don't even know how to say what I'm trying to say, but I just thought it was such a sweet moment and I hope that she'll remember it.
And one other funny thing. Keith was talking about someone the other day and said "Yeah, he's crazy." Téa immediately asked "Crazy? Fox crazy?" Keith likes to say crazy like a fox and she had remembered that. Keith said he busted up laughing when she said that.
Okay, hopefully I'll either have pictures up tomorrow, or a link to my Flickr account with lots of pictures.
Posted by
11:07 PM
still no pictures. I just can't get my lazy butt up the stairs to load them onto the computer. This wireless on my laptop is totally spoiling me. But here are some updates sin fotos (that's spanish for without pictures).
Maricela folds her arms to say the prayer. Every time. And the other night Keith said "Hey you know what you can do to calm her down when she's going crazy?" He started saying a prayer and she immediately turned around, folded her arms and smiled. SO cute. She waves bye, has 12 teeth, walks and gets into everything everywhere, and is just turning into the cutest little person ever.
Elena can write her own name!!!! And guess who taught her - Amya! Amya absolutely loves to play school with the girls. She has rules and makes 'plans' and everything. We got a little annoyed with her the other day because she glued a class schedule she had made to the wall. Nice. Anyway, back to Elena. Amya was making her practice the letters in her name. She totally got the E and the L and then just needed a little more help from me to get the N and the A. But now she's writing it all by herself and is so smart! She's so proud of herself and keeps asking us if we want to watch her write her name again.
Amya and Elena both know their parts for the Primary presentation. Elena's is "Tengo fe en el Senor Jesucristo". And Amya's is "Yo tambien soy una hija de Dios. Mi padre celestial tiene un plan para mi". Elena is so cute - she'll say "Mom do you want me to say my prayer?" and then say her little part.
Did I already tell you about all the coloring Téa is doing? I think I did. But I just can't get over it. She's constantly coloring (even on our walls) and today she wanted to write her name like Elena was. I helped her write it, and then she tried to do it again by herself. She didn't do too bad for her first try! And then she drew a picture of herself next to her name - a cute little potato with hair and sticks for arms. It's so neat to watch these girls go through the same stages of writing and drawing that we saw with Amya. It's just really interesting to me to have learned all this stuff about how kids learn and when they start to do things like read and write and how they go through these different phases, and then to watch my kids do those things I learned about. (Sorry for that annoying run-on sentence.)
Well, maybe if I get enough sleep tonight, I'll have enough energy to go upstairs tomorrow and get some pictures posted. Don't cross your fingers though. :) TTFN!
Keith and I went to see Dan in Real Life last night. LOVED it. It was definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. It even made Keith tear up a little. And then later when we were walking in the mall, I told him I knew he had started to tear up, and he did again! Girly-man. :) You all have to go see this movie. It was awesome and it's totally in my top ten movies. Keith was asking today when we're going to go see it again. I'm not lying, and I can't say it enough, this movie is awesome.
P.S. If you don't know what movie I'm talking about, here's a link to the official site
Posted by
11:46 AM
from San Diego!! We left our hotel this morning to drive down here to take the girls to Sea World. They were so excited to see Shamu again. And this time we got to feed the dolphins and all the girls got the chance to touch a dolphin. That was pretty dang cool. We also fed the seals. The trainer told us not to dangle the little fish over the edge because there were seagulls all around, just waiting for you to do that so they can fly in and steal the fish before the seal gets it. Sure enough, Elena dangled hers over and I got a picture of the bird stealing it out of her hand. Speaking of Elena, we only lost her twice today. So I'd say our parenting skills have greatly improved. Side note - I walked away from her just a little (like 5 feet), but she didn't see me walk away. She turned around, and started looking all around for me. Once she saw that I was nearby, she kind of chuckled and then said "Oh! I thought I was lost again!" And if anyone is wondering, the Orlando Sea World is definitely better than the San Diego one. Not that this one wasn't fun, because it was, the Orlando one is just bigger and better. I don't know what we'll do tomorrow. We don't really know. Maybe check out the Pacific coast beaches (I've never seen the Pacific before - but I'm sure it can't compare with the beaches of Naples) or just sightsee around town. I guess if you care you can check back in tomorrow night. And I still can't post any pictures, but I was able to find these ones of us from the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disney. The one of Amya and Téa didn't come out for some reason, but there's one of me with Maricela, and Keith with Elena. And just so you know, my score is slightly lower than Keith's because I was trying to take pictures and wasn't really concentrating on shooting. (It's actually an improvement on my score from last year!)
Posted by
10:38 PM
from Disney!! Amya and I have our fall break this weekend. Keith and I had talked about taking the girls to Disney but didn't have any definite plans. Wed night we were talking about what we wanted to do over this break and Keith said, "So what about Disney?" We packed up and left the next morning. We just spent 11 hours at Disneyland with the girls (which may have been a few too many). I don't have a cord to connect my camera to my laptop, so I can't post any pics, but we had a great time. The girls looked for characters to get autographs, we rode all the rides they wanted to, we lost Elena at least four times and we watched the parade twice. It was a blast. But I'm seriously thinking about stopping at WalMart for a leash for Elena tomorrow before we take off for SeaWorld. If our hotel down there has wireless, I'll update again....maybe we'll only lose her three times tomorrow.
Posted by
9:49 PM
I don't even know where to start. I think I'll just separate by girl, and we'll start with the oldest.
Amya had her seventh birthday almost two weeks ago. It seems like I say this all the time, but I just can't believe how fast she is growing up. She got a new bike from us for her birthday and, though she didn't want us to, we got her a big one with no training wheels and different speeds and all that stuff. She was very apprehensive about riding it. She wanted us to buy training wheels to put on it until she could get used to it. But Keith said we should just get it and teach her to ride it without the training wheels. We got home and tried it out. She wanted me to help her, not Keith, because she was afraid Keith would let her fall. So I ran alongside her while she pedaled. She thought I was holding on to the back of her seat, but I had let go almost as soon as she had taken off. She rode that thing the very first time she got on! I was so excited - I was having to hold in the shouts of congratulations so that she wouldn't realize I wasn't holding on. She didn't even know until we got to the end of the road and I told her she had ridden the whole way by herself. After that, she rode up and down the road all by herself. She's still having a little bit of a hard time turning, and starting, but she'll get it. We are just so proud of her!
Elena's fourth birthday is this coming Wednesday. Again, how did she get so big? We bought a new bike for her birthday present as well, and she is so excited about it. She picked out a pretty princess bike with streamers and a backpack and then insisted on getting a princess helmet to go with it. She is our little princess girl. It's amazing how much of a girly girl she is, while still being a tomboy. She'll be out playing in the mud while wearing a princess costume. But she has a lot of fun riding on her bike and trying to keep up with Amya.
Tea has had a bike since her second birthday. We got her this little tiny tricycle that we thought she would be able to ride. She has never actually ridden it. She would sit on the bike and push her feet along the road to go. She never pedaled. The day we brought home Amya and Elena's new bikes and were encouraging them to ride and helping them with their bikes, she finally decided to ride. It was like one second she couldn't ride, and the next second she could. And that little girl can go fast on her bike. It's so cute to see her pedaling her little feet and trying to keep up with her big sisters. Tea has also started to really love coloring. It used to be that she would grab a crayon and just scribble all over anything in front of her. Now she's coloring in actual coloring books and trying hard to stay inside the lines. She's so cute when she comes to show us the new page she's colored. You can see how proud she is of herself and how happy it makes her when we make a big deal out of it.
I think Maricela is the one we've seen the most growth in during the last month. But then again, she's a growing baby who's learning new things every day. The most exciting thing is that she's walking! It has taken her what seems like such a long time to get to this point. She started taking just little baby steps (baby steps down the hall, baby steps onto the elevator...) and now she's walking around the house. She's been trying for about a month now. Like I said, it started with just one little step here and there. Then she was taking two steps, falling down, and crawling the rest of the way. Then it was like five steps before she would fall, and then crawl. Now she's walking everywhere, and if she falls, she gets right back up and walks some more. She doesn't want to crawl at all anymore. She's so cute! I'm having a hard time finding clothes for her though. You'd think having three girls before her would give me plenty of things to choose from. I don't know where things have gone, but I can't find enough clothes in my stockpile to keep her clothed. And the scary thing is that she's wearing basically the same size clothes as Tea! Tea is so tiny, and Maricela is so big, that they can basically share clothes! And we finally found some tennies that fit her....her feet were so fat that they wouldn't fit into any shoes we tried on her. She could wear sandals that would velcro over, but we could not find tennis shoes that her feet would fit into. I was getting scared because it's getting colder here, and she needed some shoes to protect her feet. Thankfully, we found some and she loves them! When she sees me coming towards her with the shoes, she starts laughing and wiggling her feet. She's such a fun little baby! Oh yeah, she also has four molars now! And I didn't even know they had come in. I was tickling her one day, and she was throwing her head back to laugh, and I saw something in her mouth. I tipped her back to inspect, and there were four molars in there! She hadn't had a fever, hadn't complained, nothing. Such an easy baby! Well, I've got all the typing done, now I need to add some pictures. I'll have to go upstairs for that (I am loving our new wireless - I can get on the internet from my school laptop downstairs and still be with the kids!). So hopefully during naps today I can get upstairs to upload some pictures. I also have video of the girls on their bikes and Maricela walking. So if you read this and there aren't any pictures yet, come back later to see those.
so I'm a slacker and I know it. believe me, i feel really guilty. so guilty that i've stopped using capitals. actually, i think that's just laziness, but who knows. i need to post some pictures. i need to talk about amya's birthday, and all the milestones ALL of my girls have crossed. but it's so hard to climb the stairs and listen to my girls playing downstairs. i want to be with them because i've missed them all day long. and at the end of the day i just want to go to bed, i don't want to get on the computer. but i need to get this stuff down. otherwise i'll forget. so i'm making a goal to blog every day this week and get caught up on the memory keeping i'm supposed to be doing. and i'll start that tomorrow. (look at me procrastinating already)
Posted by
5:52 PM
Oh my sweet Mari. She is growing up so fast, and her cute little personality is totally coming out. I think we've got another Kei Jr. on our hands. She loves to make silly little faces and laugh and giggle with her sisters.
And if you were wondering, she has her seventh tooth. It's been there for awhile and I keep forgetting to document it. But it's her bottom right, next to the front teeth. So now she has four on top and three on the bottom.
I start my first full week of school this week. The past two weeks we had half-days so that we could hold SEP conferences. So I felt like it was a lot of fluff work, not a lot of curriculum, as we got all of our beginning of the year testing done. Now that that's over, and it's time to start the "real" stuff, I'm starting to get nervous all over again. Ugh. Wish me luck!!
Posted by
10:35 PM
I made this page today. I can't believe how big she's getting. I know I keep saying that, but seriously, the time is just flying.
Posted by
6:58 PM
So, I have way too many pictures I want to show you guys. Way more than blogger will let me put up. So I put them all on my flickr account, which you can access here http://www.flickr.com/photos/raisingmygirls/. I'll be adding more later today, but for now there are some pictures of the girls and of my classroom. Enjoy!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Someone pointed out this video on YouTube and I thought it was so funny. You can't help but laugh along with this baby.
And I should be updating with some pics soon. I know I've been neglecting the old blog, but this teaching thing is SO much harder than I expected. I'm lucky if I can remember how to get home by the end of the day.... blogging's not that high on my list right now. But I do have some things to share, so hopefully I'll get to that either today or tomorrow. I'm not sure what your guys' houses would look like after a week of you not being there and your husband taking care of your CRAZY kids, but mine's looking like a pack of ravenous wolves (who also like to pull toys and clothes out of their proper places) ransacked the house. Yesterday I came home to hard-boiled egg all over the living room floor. Seriously, pieces of egg (and the shells) all over the floor. I'm wondering if Keith goes around blindfolded during the day. And what did I do? Did I clean it up? No, I took the kids out for pizza. So I think I better go get started on some cleaning, before deadly bacteria start growing in our house. See ya later.
Posted by
9:03 AM
Seriously. When did a teenager move into my house? Okay, maybe not a teenager, but someone older than 6! Look at this....
Amya has been wanting bangs like mine for awhile now. Yesterday we went up to Ogden to visit Ian's family. While we were up there, Kristy (my college roommate and hair stylist) came over and Amya asked her to finally cut her some bangs. I just can't believe how old and mature she looks now. I can still see my little baby Amya in there, but she's growing and changing and it's just happening WAY too fast. Amya is so happy with her bangs though. She made this scrapbook page tonight. Again, if you could leave her a comment, that would be so cool. She was so excited about all the ones you guys left her for her last page. (If you click on the scrapbook page, you can see it a lot bigger.)
And now I'm off to cry myself to sleep....
Posted by
10:41 PM
My baby got stung by a bee!!!! Well, we don't know for sure it was a bee, but something got her. We were having a picnic at the park with our friends and Maricela started crying. We were eating, so I thought maybe she had bitten her tongue or something. I just held her on my lap until she stopped crying and then forgot about it. About 20 minutes later, I looked at her and realized her eye had swollen up really bad. And right in the middle of the swelling was an obvious sting/bite/something. I felt so bad for her. She hasn't complained about it anymore, she forgot about it as well, but it just looked so sad. The swelling has gone down some now, but there is definitely still some there. And it's a little reddish/purplish, almost like a bruise under her eye. My poor, poor baby. Here's a picture from right after we realized it had happened. Keith started calling her our chinese baby. ;P
Posted by
11:04 PM
Labels: Maricela
Amya saw me up here on the computer...one thing led to another and all of a sudden Amya was making a scrapbook page. I helped her move the things around and make them the right size, but she picked out everything - the pictures, the paper, the title, the 'pretty' things to go with the pretty sisters, everything!! She is so proud of her scrapbook page. We're going to get it printed for her. Anyway, enough talking. Here it is. Enjoy! P.S. If you see this, leave her a comment. It'll make her day!
Posted by
11:35 PM
Posted by
4:50 PM
So Keith and I went on a date tonight and on the way home, his truck ran out of gas. 1.5 miles from our exit. Luckily we were able to coast to the exit and there was a gas station right next to it that we were able to pull in to. He filled up the tank, and then the dumb truck wouldn't start. We were an hour late to get home to the babysitter and had to call someone to come pick me up so I could take her home, and a tow truck to tow the truck over to the dealership so they can look at it in the morning. So annoying.
Anyway, on to the point of the post. We went to pick up Keith when the tow truck got there. He was in the car with the girls and I was standing outside. Elena told him "Dad, I have to tell you something. But don't tell Mom. I broke one of her bracelets while you guys were gone." Then when I get back in the car she says, "Mom, Dad has something he needs to tell you". Um, didn't you just tell Dad that you didn't want me to know? Did you think I wouldn't get mad if Dad told me instead of you? Keith busted up laughing, and that made everyone laugh. Almost a good ending to a crazy night. (I only say almost cause I'm a little upset about the broken bracelet, and the truck being broken is kinda hampering my humor.)
Posted by
12:23 AM
Apparently, the word behave is a confusing word for kids to deal with. Allow me to give you some examples....
Amya: Why aren't they being have? (upon seeing some very rowdy kids)
Elena : I be-NOT-have (when Keith asked her if she was going to behave)
Keith : What does be-not-have mean?
Elena: It means be not good.
Obviously they get the meaning of the word, but the conjugation of it is a completely different story. :)
Posted by
3:05 PM
I can't believe my little baby is one! It doesn't seem like it's been that long, but I guess it has. She is such a sweet little baby and we love her so much. She had a lot of fun at her party today. She ate some cake....
Posted by
11:04 PM
Téa (on seeing a picture of Jesus) - "Mom, I love Jesus Christ.........amen!"
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: Téa
In case you can't read it, the journaling says: "When did you get so big??? I can’t believe you are already climbing up the stairs. Where did my little baby go? It seems like just yesterday you learned to sit up, then you learned to crawl, then you were standing up, and now look at you! You’ll be one in a week and I don’t know how the time passed so quickly. Please stay my baby just a little longer. Don’t grow up so fast. I love you!!"
Posted by
3:13 PM
Elena: "I don't love her at all. She's so mean!" (talking about Amya)
Me: "Why don't you love her? She's your sister."
Elena: "Cause when I hit her, she hit me back!"
Me: "Umm, you shouldn't have hit her in the first place......"
You know those plastic kid playhouses that they sell at Home Depot for $1600? They're so cute, but SO expensive. Anyway, we were drving around HD the other day and Elena asked Keith to stop so she could look at the playhouse. She asked Keith if he would buy it for her, and he said no. Then she said "Well, we could stole it, but I guess that would be bad."
Amya had gotten dressed, wearing a black shirt and black skirt. I heard Elena tell her "Whoa, Amya. You look SOOOOOOOOOO beautiful." She said it so seriously. Way cute. Elena really likes black, and she looks good in it. I guess she was impressed that Amya was dressing in one of her favorite colors.
Posted by
11:20 AM